Building – engineeringbrother God Has Created Earth .. But We Civilized It Tue, 07 Sep 2021 14:11:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 183377744 Classification Of Building According To National Building Code Sat, 09 May 2020 15:02:00 +0000 Continue Reading....Classification Of Building According To National Building Code



According to the National Building Code of India – NBC [SP: 7-2005), buildings are classified based on occupancy as follows :

1.      Residential buildings
2.      Educational buildings
3.      Assembly buildings
4.      Institutional buildings
5.      Mercantile buildings
6.      Business buildings
7.      Storage buildings
8.      Industrial buildings
9.      Hazardous buildings

1.      Residential Buildings :

These are the buildings in which sleeping accommodation is provided for normal residential purposes with or without cooking or dining or both facilities.



It includes,

  • Private dwelling houses
  •  apartment houses (flats)
  •  bungalows
  •  School and college dormitories
  • Hostels
  •  Hotels
  • Military barracks, etc

2. Educational Buildings

Educational Buildings,school,college,CLASSIFICATION OF BUILDINGS AS PER NBC

These hall include any building used for school, college or day-carepurposes involving assembly for instruction, education or recreation

3. Institutional Buildings

These shall include any building or part thereof which is used for purposes such as medical or other treatment or care of persons suffering from physical or mental illness or disease, care of infants, convalescents of aged persons and for penal or correctional detention in which the liberty of the inmates is re- stricted. Institutional buildings ordinarily provide sleeping accommodation for the occupants.


It includes.

  •  Hospitals
  • Nursing homes
  • Sanatoria
  •  Mental Hospitals
  •  Jails, Prisons
  • Orphanges, etc.

excel sheet of civil engineering

4. Assembly Buildings:

These shall include any building or part thereof where a group of people gather for recreation, amuse- ment, social, religious, political, civil, travel and similar purposes.

Assembly Buildings
Assembly Buildings ,skating ring, CLASSIFICATION OF BUILDINGS AS PER NBC

For example,

  • Theatres
  • Cinema halls
  • Assembly halls
  • Exhibition halls
  • Auditoriums
  • Gymnasiums
  • Skating rings
  • Marriage halls
  • Museums
  • Places of worship Club rooms
  • Dance halls
  • Railway stations
  • Bus stations
  • Airports etc.

5. Business Buildings:

These shall include any building or part of a building which is used fortransaction of business, for the keeping of accounts and records for similar purposes.
The principal function of these buildings is transaction of public business and the keeping of books and records.

town hall

For example,

  •  Court houses
  •  City halls
  • Town halls
  •  Libraries
  • Officies
  •  Banks, etc.

6. Mercantile Buildings :


These shall include any building or a part of a building which is used as shops, stores, market, for display and sale of merchandise, either wholesale or retail.

7.Industrial Buildings:
These shall include any building or part of a building or structure in which products or materials of all kinds and properties are fabricated, assembled or processed.

Industrial Buildings, power plants,CLASSIFICATION OF BUILDINGS AS PER NBC
power plant

For example,

  • Assembly plants
  • Power plants
  •  Refineries Mills
  • Gas plants
  • Industries, etc.
  • Dairies

8. Storage Buildings:

These shall include any building or part of a building primarily used for the storage or sheltering of goods, wares or merchandise.

Ware house

For example,

  • Warehouses
  • Transit sheds
  •  Freight depots
  • Garages
  • Hangers
  • Grain elevators
  • Stables etc.

9. Hazardous Buildings

These shall include any building or part of a building which is used for the storage, handling, manufacture or processing of highly combustible explosive materials or products which are liable to burn with extreme rapidity or which may produce poisonous fumes or explosions.

Hazardous Buildings

These shall also include buildings used for storage, handling, manufacturing or processing which In- valve highly corrosive, toxic or noxious alkalies, acids or other liquids or chemicals producing flame, fumes and explosive etc.

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15+ Basic Components Of A Building You must Know Tue, 05 May 2020 07:18:00 +0000 Continue Reading....15+ Basic Components Of A Building You must Know


Various Components Of A Building 

Various Components Of A Building
various component of building

Broadly speaking, a building basically consists of three parts, namely

1.      Foundation
2.      Sub-structure (plinth)
3.      Superstructure

Lets discuss in detail.

Various Components Of A Building
Various Components Of Building

1.      Foundation

 It is the lowest part of a structure below the ground level which is in direct contact with the ground and transmits all the loads to the ground.

Depending upon the type of soil existing at site, its safe bearing capacity and the type of building which is required to be constructed, a structure may need shallow or deep foundations.

Foundation ( PCC , foundation masonary ) , Various Components Of A Building
Foundation ( PCC , foundation masonary )

2.      Sub-structure (plinth)

 The portion of the building between ground surrounding the building and the top of the floor immediately above the ground is known as plinth.
The level of the surrounding ground is known as ground level and the level of the ground floor of the building is known as plinth level.

Sub Structure (Tile Flooring  , Concrete Flooring , Earth Filling) , Various Components Of A Building
Sub Structure (Tile Flooring  , Concrete Flooring , Earth Filling)

The plinth height should be such that after proper levelling and grading the ground adjoining the building (for proper drainage) there is no possibility of the rain water entering the ground floor.

The height of the plinth should be not less than 45 cm from the surrounding ground level.

The following parts are covered in the plinth,

1.      Damp Proof Course (D.P.C.)
2.      Flooring (Tiles, Marble, Concrete etc.) Bedding for flooring (B.B C.C.)

    3. Super Structure :

 It is that part of the structure which is constructed above the plinth level.

Important parts of super structure are shown in Figure  and described below.


doors , window , weather shed , lintel , various component of building


Load bearing walls transfer the load of superstructure to the plinth.

Walls are provided to enclose or divide the floor space in desired pattern. In addition, walls provide privacy, security and provide protection against sun, rain, cold, etc.

 (2) Floors :

 Floors are flat supporting elements of a building. The basic purpose of a floor is to provide a firm and dry platform for people and other items like furniture, stores, equipment etc.

The purpose of providing different floors is to divide the building in to different levels for creating more accommodation within the limited space.

 (3) Columns :

A column may be defined as an isolated vertical load bearing member. Columns transfers load from beams to the foundation.

(4) Roof :

It is the uppermost component of a building and its main function is to cover the space below and protect it from rain, snow, sun, wind etc.

A roof can be either flat, pitched or curved in shape.

(5) Doors :

The main function of doors in a building is to serve as a connecting link between internal parts and also to allow the free movement into and outside the building.

doors , window , weather shed , lintel , various component of building
Door ,  Window , Lintel

(6) Windows :

Windows are generally provided for the proper ventilation and lighting of a building.

As per I.S., minimum windows opening should be 10% of the floor area.

(7) Stair :

A stair is a structure consisting of number of steps leading from one floor to another floor.

The main function of stairs is two fold : firstly, to provide means of communication between the various floors and secondly that of escape from upper floors in the event of fire.

(8) Window sills :

Window sills are provided between the bottom of window frame and wall below, to protect the top of wall from wear and tear.

window sill level ,component of building
window sill below window

(9) Lintel :

The actual frame of a door or window is not strong enough to support the weight of the wall above the opening. Hence, a separate structural clement is provided over the door/windows opening. This is known as lintel, and is similar in character to a beam.

 (10) Beam :

 A structural member which carrier lateral or transverse forces is termed as beam. Beam  transfer loads from slab to the columns or walls.

(11) Chajja or whether shades :

Chajja or whether shades are generally combined with lintels of windows to protect them from sun, rain, frost etc.

 (12) Parapet wall : Parapet wall is constructed on the periphery of the roof slab to protect people from falling down the building.

parapet wall , weather shed , lintel various component of building
Parapet wall

 (13) Coping

Coping is provided on the top of parapet wall. It prevents entry of rainwater / moisture from top of wall and improves asthetic of a building.

concrete coping , various component of building

(14) Building Finishes :

Building finishes are used to give protective covering to various building components and at the same time, they provide decorative effects. Building finishes consists of the following items:

finishing of building , various component of building
finishing of building
  1. Plastering
  2.  Painting
  3.  Pointing
  4.  Varnishing and Polishing
  5.  Distempering
  6. White washing 
  7. Colouring

(15) Building Services:

Building services include services like

  1. Water supply 
  2. Drainage
  3. Sanitation
  4. Lighting
  5. Acoustics
  6. Electricity
  7. Air conditioning
  8. Ventilation
  9. Anti-termite treatment, etc.
  10. Fire detection and Fire control
hand pump , water supply ,  various component of building
water suppy system

The services like water supply, drainage and sanitation normally clubbed under the term ‘plumbing services.

 From consideration of safety of the users, the planning, designing and detailing of all services also based on norms prescribed by should be done based on provisions in the National Building Code and also based on norms prescribed by various statutory municipal bodies.

]]> 0 551 Spread Sheet of Plaster Quantity & Cost Estimation Fri, 24 Apr 2020 05:11:00 +0000 Continue Reading....Spread Sheet of Plaster Quantity & Cost Estimation

Spread Sheet of Plaster Quantity & Cost Estimation
hello guys before downloading spread sheet of Plaster Quantity & cost Estimation read following helpful information.
Here i have provided download link of Plaster quantity spread sheet. you can download it from below link.


you have to put following data .
  1. Ratio of cement mortar
  2. Area of Plaster work 
  3. Thickness of Plaster work
  4. Rate of cement
  5. Rate of sand

after putting input data you will get  following output data
  1. material cost of Plaster work
  2. quantity of cement
  3. quantity of sand

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Spread Sheet of Brick Masonry Quantity & Cost Estimation Wed, 22 Apr 2020 03:45:00 +0000 Continue Reading....Spread Sheet of Brick Masonry Quantity & Cost Estimation

Spread Sheet of Brick Masonry Quantity & Cost Estimation
hello guys before downloading spread sheet of BrickMasonry Quantity & cost Estimation read following helpful information.
here i have provided download link of brick masonry quantity spread sheet. you can download it from below link.


you have to put following data .
  1. Ratio of cement mortar
  2. quantity of brick masonry 
  3. Rate of cement
  4. Rate of sand

after putting input data you will get  following output data
  1. material cost of brick masonry
  2. quantity of cement
  3. quantity of sand
  4. quantity of brick

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What Is Demolition Plan ? And How Demolition Is Carried Out Of Building Using Demolition Plan ? Thu, 09 Apr 2020 04:43:00 +0000 Continue Reading....What Is Demolition Plan ? And How Demolition Is Carried Out Of Building Using Demolition Plan ?


What Is Demolition Plan ?  And How Demolition Is Carried Out Of Building Using Demolition Plan ?

Hello guys today we will see what is demolition plan , how it prepare and how demolition is carried out of building.

Before that lets see what is Demolition ?
demolition of building

Demolitionmeans dismantling, razing, destroying or wrecking any building or structure or any part of it by pre-planned and controlled methods.

 What is Demolition Plan ?

Based on demolition surveys, a demolition plan is prepared. This demolition plan is produced with the application for approval of demolition to the local authority.

 Demolition plan should include following things

  1. A plan showing the location of a building to be demolished.
  2. Building height, structural system.
  3. Extent of damage to the building. 
  4. Existing structures and facilities in the vicinity.
  5. Layout plan
  6. Proposed method of demolition.
  7. Proposed shoring and precautionary measures for adjacent buildings.
  8. Safety measures to be taken
  9. Proposed sequence of demolition steps.
  10. Details of equipment’s used.
  11. A plan for handling and disposal of debris.
  12. Proposed arrangements for site supervision.
To draw demolition plan first surveys are carried out for  information collection.

What is Demolition survey ?

For demolition of a building, detailed survey and assessment of a building is necessary. The demolition survey includes:
1. Building Survey :
  1. Drawing records
  2. Hazardous materials
  3. Material survey
  4. Surrounding buildings
  5. Type of building
  6. Photographs of a building to be demolished
  7. Building height, distance from nearby buildings
2. Structural Survey :
  1. Drawing records
  2. Behaviour of structure
  3. Special structure
  4. Degree of deterioration
  5. Structural support system
Above survey work is carried out and information is noted after that demolition plan is made.

Factors affecting in drawing Demolition plan

The following factors are effect in drawing Demolition plan
1.Type Of Structure:
The demolition plan varies with type of structure. For demolition of  steel structure demolition plan will be different form reinforced concrete  structure.

2.Size Of Structure
The demolition plan varies with size of structure . For demolition of small structure demolition plan will be different form large structures.
3.Location Of Structure
In hilly area demolition plan will be different compare to demolition of structure in  marine area.

4.Safety Required
Higher safety will required great attention in drawing of demolition plan.
5.Limitation Of Noise, Dust And Vibration
 Limitation of noise, dust and vibration affect methods of demolition and due to change in method of demolition , demolition  plan also change.
6.Available Equipment
Available equipment also effect method of demolition so due to this  demolition plan also change
7.Behaviour Of Structure
Behaviour of structure also change demolition plan.  Properties of steel structure is different compare to RCC structure or concrete structure that why both structure have different behaviour.

How Demolition Is Carried Out Of Building Using Demolition Plan ?

Here I provided step by step detail of building demolition base on demolition plan.
       1.Permission from local authority is taken for carryout demolition work.

    2. Second step is to carryout demolition survey and note all detail which are required for  demolition.

    3.Prepare demolition plan for building And include various thing that I have discuss above.

    4.Find out the location of demolition site.

    In this figure you can see we have to carried out complete demolition of this two building.
location of demolition building
                5. After allocation of site provide safety barrier as shown figure. This safety barrier is provide for safety of adjoining structure from demolition.
safety barier for demolition of building
       6. After proper  safety provision on  surrounding the site remove all the dead load from the building make it soft strip. Here I have provide two photos first one Is before soft  strip and second one is after soft strip.
Before soft strip
After soft strip
             7. In this building we use explosion method of demolition so In below figure you can see its shows exclusion zone 150 m radius. In Area inside 150m radial zone there should not any human or animal during blasting time.
Exlusion area or zone
8        8. In below figure you can see all roads are block and all sounding houses should be empty of people. Various notice boards should be  provided for timing of demolition and warning ahead.
Blocking of roads

                 9. After proper arrangement of blasting material Controlled demolition is carried out on first building.
Demolition of frist building
        10. After completion of demolition  first building, same way controlled demolition is carried out for second building.
Demolition of second building
              11.After demolition of building all debris material is removed from the site using hauling equipment and then foundation of building is remove and cleaning of site is done.
Cleaning of Site

]]> 0 557 which type of foundation used in residental building ? Fri, 03 Apr 2020 06:02:00 +0000 Continue Reading....which type of foundation used in residental building ?

   Which type of foundation used in residential building ?
What are Types of Building Foundations and How Do They Distribute ...

Hello guys today we will discuss which type of foundation we will used in construction of resident building and which will more economical and durable. We learnt various type of foundation but  we have to  use that foundation which will safe and economical.
As we know we mostly  cant used deep foundation in residential building because it cause too much cost and our structure does not contain that much of loading. But when soil contain expansive nature and too much low bearing capacity than we have to go  with deep foundations.
Lets first see various type of shallow foundations according uses

In Load bearing residential building 

In load bearing structure we generally use strip footing as a foundation.
Strip footing is the simplest footing in shallow foundation in this footing masonary wall laid on plain cement concrete or brick bat cement concrete.

which type of foundation used in residental building ?
Strip Footing

This type of shallow footing only used in load bearing residential building where numbers of stories are less.

In frame structures residential building

In frame structure we go for following footing.

1.      Spread or isolated footing
2.      Combined footing
3.   Strap or cantilever footing
4.      Mat or raft Foundation

1.Spread or isolated footing

Spreadfooting consists wide base below column. This type of foundation widely used in construction of residential building. 
There are two type of spread footing. 
1.pad footing
2.slope footing

1.1.pad footing

In pad footing slope is not provided only rectangular Reinforced cement concrete slab is provided below RCC column.
In this type of footing design and analysis is simple compare to slope footing.

1.2.slope footing

In slope footing slope  is provided at 45 degree with respect to horizontal. The main function of this slope is to avoid punching failure. The design and analysis is time consuming.

which type of foundation used in residental building ?

2.Combined footing

Combinedfooting are provided when ,
1.      Centre to centre distance is  more between column
2.      Very high load
3.      Eccentric loading on column
4.      Property line of building near to building
In combine footing two or more column are join with one slab.
Combine footing has a two type

2.1.Rectangularcombine footing

  which type of foundation used in residental building ?

2.2.Trapezoidalcombine footing

Trapezoidal combine footing provided where there is very large difference between loading in column.

3.   Strap or cantilever footing

Types of Shallow Foundations and their Uses
Strap or cantilever footing

In strap footing RCC beam(strap) is provided to join two or more column with each other. This type of footing are not generally used in residential building because of less loading.

4.Mat or raft foundation

In mat or raft foundation, RCC slab is provided below all column. Whole area is excavated , then RCC slab is provided in entire area and column are place above that slab. This type of foundation is provided where there is heavy loading or bearing capacity is too low.

which type of foundation used in residental building ?
Mat or raft Foundation

This type of foundation are generally not provided in residential houses, this type of foundation are provided in 3-4 or above four stories complex’s or hotels.

I Hope You Like Our Article which type of foundation used in residental building ? Don’t be Cheap To Share This Article with your Friends.
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